Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Definitonal Argument Ideas

In my paper I am going to define fairytales. In today's society fairytales are considered to be great things for little girls and boys and are considered the norm. What if exposure to these fairytales is harming our children though. Exposure to too many fairy tales leads children to believe that reality should be like the fairytales. When this reality is not that way then this leads child to feel bad about themself and their life. Is it then possible that this lack of self-confidence could lead to problems with development and even depression at a younger age? Also this could lead to acting out in school, bullying and at the extreme end of things maybe even substance abuse/alcohol problems.

The opposite side says that fairytales stimulates the child’s imagination and is beneficial to development. Exposing children to this much creativity acts as a catalyst in development of the imagination and can lead to a more productive life because when they grow up they will have a better understanding of creativity and be leading entrepreneurs in the work force. We all know that in today’s society, entrepreneurs are usually the most successful. This success and productivity could also lead to more happiness and maybe even lead to a longer life.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Reading Response-"Reading as a Writer"

From this passage I learned that it is very important to 'actively' read. By this I mean constantly be looking for the author's claims, purpose in writing, and who the author is directing his/her message to. I feel as if I currently do this fairly well but something I noticed that I can do better is to pay closer attention to who the author is directing his/her message to, or the audience. In the first example, "Cultural Literacy", the author was clearly writing to a more knowledgeable audience because his word choice was very intricate. He also used many scholarly people as examples. I can do a better job at keeping my eyes open for these things in other essays so I can better identify who the message is directed to.

In my research I can do a better job of making sure my resources fit my audience. For example, since I am writing my essay on the royal wedding I will probably not need to use very scholarly sources like the author of "Cultural Literacy" did. I should be looking more at magazine articles or news reports of the event. Doing this will give me credibility and also allow my audience to understand the purpose of my message.

Last night's reading made me realize that when reading a paper you must look for things such as purpose, claims, and who the audience is. This will allow you to understand what the writer is trying to communicate and appreciate his/her message. You can also provide better feedback if your are looking for those key elements in the paper. This awareness and ability to give helpful feedback will not only make you a better writer but also improve other author's work.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Welcome Back!

So I created this blog back in my freshman year of high school and almost forgot all about it until I tried to create a new one for my English 1102 class.   So since I already have a blog I will just use this one for English. :)  Feel free to ignore all of the posts from 4 years ago unless you are crazy bored and really have nothing better to do.  Lol